Videos made from Alexa9090 and Blaze56 from Kidzbop!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


This is a link to our first "How 2 Work Out" video. Get ready to Warm-up!

Workout Videos!

We have made a new series of videos called: How 2 Work Out! It consists of 10 videos. So far, we only uploaded 5, but we are currently in the process of making more. This is a list of all of the workout videos we are making.

1. Warm-up
2. Bands
3. Weights
4. Punching Bag
5. Elliptical
6. Stability Ball
7. Weight Bar
8. Yoga
9. Dance
10. Cool Down

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Welcome to the Random Stuff Blog!

This blog is made by Leafpool190 (a.k.a. Alexa9090) with my BFFLOY Blaze56! You may know us from our Kidzbop webshow...Random Stuff!!!! This blog contains exclusive videos from our webshow...videos that weren't approved to Kidzbop and ones that were. It will also contain text explanations of all of our inside jokes that you may not understand. Rarely, we will make behind-the-scenes videos to show how we make RANDOM STUFF!!!!!!!
Here is a link to our webshow on Kidzbop:

                                      -Bye for now,
                            Alexa9090 and Blaze56!